SQL Server 2012 IIF and CHOOSE

Continuing my series on SQL Server 2012, today we will explore two new conditional functions - IIF and CHOOSE in SQL Server 2012. IIF is a short form of the CASE expression

Consider the following example

declare @gender char(1)
set @gender ='M'
select case when @gender ='M' then 'Male' else 'Female' end as gender

The above t-sql code checks if @gender is 'M', return 'Male' else 'Female'

The same can be done using IIF as shown below

declare @gender char(1)
set @gender ='M'
select iif(@gender ='M','Male','Female')

You can also use IIF while selecting rows from a table column as shown below

create table #t(emp_id int, emp_name varchar(100),gender char(1), grade int)

insert into #t(emp_id,emp_name, gender,grade)
select 1,'Suresh','M',1 union all
select 2,'Ramesh','M',3 union all
select 3,'Neela','F',2 union all
select 4,'Magesh','M',2 union all
select 5,'Sara','F',1

select emp_name,IIF(gender='M','Male','Female') as gender from #t


The CHOOSE function chooses the value from a list based on the ordinal position. If the value is 1, it chooses the first value, if it is 5, it chooses 5th value and so on from the list

The following can be used to illustrate what CHOOSE does

select emp_name,grade,CHOOSE(grade,'Manager','Project Leader','Developer') as grade_desc from #t


Based on the value available for the grade, it chooses between a 'Manager', 'Project Leader' or a 'Developer'

Both these expressions can be used to reduce the amount of code written using CASE expression

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