Continuing my series on SQL Server 2012, today we will explore two new functions in SQL Server 2012. SQL Server 2012 has introduced two new functions first_value() and last_value(). In previous SQL Server versions, if you want to return the first value or last value along with the result set, you need to use self join. But from version 2012, you can simply use first_value() and last_value() function
Consider the following set of data
create table #t(id int, names varchar(100), join_date datetime)
insert into #t (id,names,join_date)
select 1,'test1','20121219' union all
select 1,'test1','20121212' union all
select 2,'test2','20110101' union all
select 3,'test3','20120918' union all
select 4,'test4','20081112' union all
select 5,'test5','20071226' union all
select 6,'test6','20000101' union all
select 7,'test7','20040703' union all
select 8,'test8','20090829' union all
select 9,'test9','20120831' union all
select 10,'test10','20030914'
The following query will show the first_value and last_value along with the result set.
first_value(join_date) over (order by id) as first_join_date,
last_value(join_date) over (order by id) as last_join_date
First_value() returns the first available value in the ordered set while last_value() returns the last value available. It should be noted that these values are calculated for each row. So the value returned by last_value() changes from row to row. first_value is same for the resultset, while the last_value is dynamically changed for each row
If you want to reset these values for each group of id, you can use partition clause as you use in windows functions
first_value(join_date) over (partition by id order by id) as first_join_date,
last_value(join_date) over (partition by id order by id) as last_join_date
The above returns the first_value and last_value available in the result set and reset those value for each value of id
Thank you sir for excellent post