Deleting Leading Zeros in a String (SQL)

A common issue while importing data from different source into SQL Server is often numbers get prefixed with zeroes. If you want to delete these leading zeroes in a string, you can use the following methods:

Method 1 : CAST to Bigint

declare @s varchar(100)
set @s ='0000004007340007402100'
select cast(@s as bigint)

CASTing the string to Bigint will automatically delete the leading zeroes


Method 2 : Use Replace function

declare @s varchar(100)
set @s ='0000004007340007402100'
select replace(ltrim(replace(@s,'0',' ')),' ','0')

The T-SQL code shown above first replaces all zeroes to a single space. The LTRIM function deletes all leading spaces and the second replace function, replaces all spaces to zeroes, so that all leading zeroes are deleted.




  1. What if the string does not contains only digits? Can this computer science breakthrough be applied to "1" removal with some little modifications?
