T-SQL, SQL Administration Articles Link List – August 2011

Here’s a quick wrap up of the articles published on SQLServerCurry.com in the month of August 2011

SQL Server Administration Articles

Every .NET Developer Should Know About the Database they are working with - I am a strong believer that a Developer should understand the databases and network he/she is interacting with. As a .NET Developer, having TSQL and SQL Server Administration knowledge to some degree of depth, really helps to design and develop your applications as well as communicate with the DBAs and admins you work with. In this article, I have attempted to list some articles we have written in the past that will give you information about handling a SQL Server 2005/2008 database.

SQL Server: Last BackUp Date - A database developer recently asked me a simple way to find the last backup date of a database. He was using SQL Server 2005. I had written a similar query for the MSDN wiki and here’s the same for my blog readers

SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop - Microsoft has released a new tool/connector based on SQOOP for those looking out to transfer data between SQL Server 2008 R2 and Apache Hadoop

SQL Server: Move Data to a Different Table using OUTPUT clause - Suppose you want to move some data from one table to another table and then delete the data from source table.

T-SQL Articles

SQL Server: Retreive all records between Two Rows of a Table without a Numeric Primary Key - Let us quickly see how to fetch all the records between two rows in a SQL Server table which does not have a numeric primary key.

Compound Assignment Operators in SQL Server 2008 - Compound assignment operators are newly introduced in SQL Server 2008 and the code certainly looks cleaner and easier to type while using them. I am surprised why weren’t they introduced in earlier SQL Server versions at the first place, however now that they are here, let’s quickly learn how to use them

SQL Server: Last Day Previous Month without DATEADD and DATEDIFF - Suppose you want to find the last day of the previous month, you can always use this method

SQL Server: Limit Millisecond Part in DateTime2 Datatype - Till version 2005, SQL Server supported only the datetime datatype which stored date and time with milliseconds upto three digits. However SQL Server 2008 supports separate data types DATE and TIME as well DATETIME2 datatype which stores milliseconds upto 7 digits.

SQL Server: Handle Nulls While Sorting Data in Ascending Order - The SQL Server ORDER BY Clause is used to order the result sets by a set of columns. If you use ORDER BY col ASC, NULL values come first, if you do ORDER BY col DESC, NULL values are shown last, but remaining values are ordered in descending order.However what if you want order the result sets by a particular column in ascending order and also keep all NULL values in last rows?

Other SQL Articles

LocalDB Denali: New version of SQL Express - Microsoft released LocalDB a couple of weeks ago as part of SQL Denali CTP 3. LocalDB or Local Database Runtime is the new version of SQL Express created specifically for developers

SQL Server Denali CTP 3 Goodies - Microsoft recently released the SQL Server Denali CTP 3 Product Guide which contains plenty of goodies to help you learn and get up and running before Denali hits the shelves

SQL Server Migration Assistant for Denali CTP3 - if you have a requirement of migrating from your Ms Access database to all higher editions of SQL Server, then here’s some news for you. The SQL Server Migration assistant for Access now supports Denali CTP 3 too

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