T-SQL, SQL Administration Articles Link List – July 2011

Here’s a quick wrap up of the articles published on SQLServerCurry.com in the month of July 2011

SQL Server Administration Articles

SQL Server: Top 10 Cached Queries - We have covered Dynamic Management views (DMV’s) many times earlier. In this article, we will see how to view the most cached statements on the server.

SQL Server Bit Data Type and how it Stores Values - SQL Server supports the bit datatype which can be used to store flag values like 'true' or 'false'. However it should be noted how the values are stored in the bit column. This article gives you an overview of the same.

SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 and Denali CTP 3 Released - Download links - Microsoft recently released the first service pack of SQL Server 2008 R2 for it’s RTM as well as Express Edition.

SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle v5.1 - Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) for Oracle is a tool to automate migration from Oracle database to SQL Server. Microsoft recently released an update to this tool

T-SQL Articles

SQL Server 2008: Divide Time Column with Another Column - Here’s a simple example that divides a SQL Server 2008 Time column with another to calculate the time taken per employee to finish the task.

SQL Server: DateTime vs DateTime2 -  The datetime2 datatype was introduced in SQL Server 2008 along with the date and time datatypes. Unlike the datetime datatype in SQL Server, the datetime2 datatype can store time value down to microseconds and avoids the 3/1000 second rounding issue.

SQL Server: Common mistake while Calculating Quarter Sales - When it comes to calculating quarter sales, I have always seen developers grouping only by quarter which is incorrect.

SQL Server: Distinct Count across Multiple Tables - One of my clients had a SQL Server database with an email column repeated across multiple tables. He wanted two queries – all email’s that are not repeated across the table, i.e. distinct ones as well as a count of the email addresses across multiple tables in the database.

SQL Server: @@RowCount and Zero Count - The SQL Server system function @@rowcount is used to return the number of rows affected by the last executed statement. There are atleast three cases where @@rowcount will return the value 0. Let us explore these cases in this post.

SQL Server: Find Current Language of the Server - Suppose you are working in an environment in which your server supports various languages and you want to find out what is the current language of server.

SQL Server: Behavioral Change in Union Operator - There is a behavioral change in the SQL Server UNION operator from version starting from 2005.

SQL BI Articles

SSIS: What’s New in SQL Server Denali - I was looking for an introduction to what’s new in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) in Denali, the next version of SQL Server. I stumbled upon a nice video which gives an overview of the new features of SSIS in the next CTP of Denali

SQL Server Denali Videos - After my last post on What’s New in SSIS: SQL Server Denali, I got some requests via twitter to list videos that cover more on SQL Server Denali. Here are some videos I like, that were recorded during Tech-Ed and other tech events:

Other Articles

Microsoft MVP Award – 4 Years in a Row - I was awarded the Microsoft MVP title again for the 4th consecutive year, and I thank Microsoft for bestowing this award on me.

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