One of the most frequently asked question by SQL developers, is on handing Date, Time and other related datetime values in SQL Server. Developers are always looking out for solutions which demand either converting Date Time Values or finding date time ranges and so on. Madhivanan and I have already written a couple of articles on handling DateTime in SQL Server. In this post I will share some of the links with you.
Hope you find them useful. If you do, make sure you retweet and let the other devs know about this link list.
FLOOR a DateTime in SQL Server
SQL Server: Insert Date and Time in Separate Columns
SQL Server: Group By Days and Create Categories
SQL Server: Insert Date and Time in Separate Columns
SQL Server: Group By Year, Month and Day
SQL Server: First and Last Sunday of Each Month
SQL Server: First Day of Previous Month
SQL Server: Convert to DateTime from other Datatypes
Date Difference in SQL Server in Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds
Display Dates in a Particular Format in SQL Server
Truncate Hour, Minute, Second and MilliSecond in SQL Server
Calculate Interest on an Amount Between two Dates using SQL Server
Working with Different Time Zones in SQL Server 2008
Print Dates without Day or Time in SQL Server
Calculate Age from Date Of Birth using SQL Server
Replace SQL Server DateTime records of a column with UTC time
Calculate Average Time Interval in SQL Server
List all the Weekends of the Current Year using SQL Server
Create Date Ranges for Consecutive dates in a SQL Server Table
SQL Query to find out who attended office on Saturday
Convert Date to String in SQL Server
Convert Character string ISO date to DateTime and vice-versa
Select dates within the Current Week using SQL Server
Generate a Start and End Date Range using T-SQL
Convert From EST to GMT Time and vice versa in SQL Server
Convert DateTime to VarChar in SQL Server
How to Display DateTime Formats in Different Languages using SQL Server
Finding the Business Days In a Quarter and Number them in SQL Server 2005/2008
Find the WeekEnds in this Quarter or Year using SQL Server 2005/2008
Comparing Dates In Two Columns using SQL Server\
Some Common DateTime Formats in SQL Server 2005/2008
First weekday of a month in SQL Server
DATENAME() function in SQL Server 2005
Return date without time using Sql 2005
use full. Thanks :-)