SQL Server: Designing Chart Report in SSRS 2008

In this article, we will see how to design a Chart report in SQL Server Reporting Services 2008. For this demonstration we will use AdventureWorks sample database provided by Microsoft.

You can also check my previous article on SQL Server: Designing Tablix Report in SSRS 2008

To design this report, let’s open Visual studio 2008 Business Intelligence Studio and create a new Report Server project as shown below –


Once your project is ready, let’s create a data source which will fetch the data from AdventureWorks database. To fetch the data let’s write the following query –


SELECT YEAR(SOH.OrderDate) OrderYear,PC.NAME AS CategoryName,PSC.NAME as SubCategoryName,SUM(UnitPrice) TotalPrice, SUM(OrderQty) TotalOrders
FROM Production.ProductCategory PC INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory PSC ON PC.ProductCategoryID=PSC.ProductCategoryID
INNER JOIN Production.Product P ON PSC.ProductSubcategoryID=P.ProductSubcategoryID INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderDetail SOD ON P.ProductID=SOD.ProductID
INNER JOIN Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH ON SOH.SalesOrderID=SOD.SalesOrderID
GROUP BY YEAR(SOH.OrderDate), PC.Name,PSC.Name
ORDER BY OrderYear,CategoryName,SubCategoryName

If you execute this query, you should get a similar the result as shown below –


To add a new data source to our report, go to Solution Explorer. Right click ‘Shared Data Sources’ folder and add a ‘New Data Source’. This will show you a shared data source property window. Name the data source as ‘AdventureWorksDS’ and configure the connection to the AdventureWorks database by clicking the ‘Edit’ button as shown below –


Now let’s add a blank report using our solution explorer. To add a blank report, right click the Report and click on ‘Add New Item’ and choose ‘Report’. Name the report as ‘AdventureWorksYearlySalesChartReport’ as shown below –


Now go to ‘View’ menu and click on ‘Report Data’. In the ‘Report Data’ window, add a new dataset as shown below –


This will show you the ‘Dataset Properties’ window. Name the dataset as ‘YearlySalesDS’ and choose the existing data source by clicking a ‘New’ button from ‘Data Source’ option. This displays a ‘Data Source Properties’ window. Choose ‘Use Shared Data Source Reference’ radio button and choose our data source ‘AdventureWorksDS’ which we have created in the above steps. Then paste the query shown above in a ‘Query’ box as shown below –


Now we are ready to design the report. Drag and drop a ‘Chart’ control from tool box on our report. As soon as you drop the chart control on the report, it will ask you to ‘Select Chart Type’. Make a choice of Column chart and click ‘OK’ as shown below –


Now click on the Chart and you will see the view of the chart with different axis, as shown below –


Now from the ‘Report Data’ Window drag and drop ‘TotalPrice’ on ‘Drop data fields here’ and drag and drop OrderYear on ‘Drop category fields here’. Now your report will look like this –


Now click on the preview report tab and see your report. It will look similar to the following –


Now let’s modify the report. First of all change the title of the report to ‘Adventure Works Yearly Sales’. Change the ‘Y’ axis title to ‘Total Sales’ and change ‘X’ axis to ‘Order Year’. Now preview your report and it will look like the one shown below –


Now right click the ‘Total Price’ and click on ‘Add Calculated Series’ as shown below –


You will see the ‘Calculated Series Properties’ window. From here, choose ‘General’ section. Under formula, choose ‘Exponential Moving Average’ as shown below –


Now preview your report and it will look like the one shown below –


Now right click the Chart column and choose ‘3D Effects’. This will show you ‘Chart Area Properties’ window. Check the check box ‘Enable 3D’ and click ‘OK’ button by keeping the other properties default. Preview your chart and this is what you see –


Summary – In this article, we have seen how to design a Chart report using SQL Server Reporting Services 2008.

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