SQL Server: SSMS 2008 Intellisense Stops Working after Installing VS 2010 SP1

After installing VS 2010 SP1, Intellisense stopped working in SQL Server Management Studio SSMS 2008 and R2 databases. After searching on the net, I found that this issue is being discussed on this thread and a MS support guy Weilin Qiao has given the following suggestion:

  1. Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > Transact-SQL > IntelliSense, and select Enable IntelliSense.

  2. For each opening query window, please go to Query >> Intellisense Enabled.

  3. To refresh IntelliSense local cache, go to Edit > IntelliSense > Refresh Local Cache or use the CTRL+Shift+R keyboard shortcut to refresh.

  4. Enable statement completion: Go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > Transact-SQL > General, and check on Auto list members and Parameter information boxes.

  5. Reboot SQL Server Management Studio.

I have tried the suggestions without much success and probably I will uninstall Sp1 and reinstall it again. I will update this post once I am able to figure this out! If you have a solution that works, please share it with the readers.

Update and a Workaround: Anonymous pointed me to a thread on MSConnect where a workaround shared by Richard Glidden is to install SQL Server 2008 R2 Cumulative Update 6 (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2489376)


  1. A workaround has been described in this thread.

  2. Thank you so much Anonymous. I have updated the original post.

  3. The microsoft bugfix has fixed the problem for me.
    Thank you !
