Load Comma Delimited file (csv) in SQL Server

We often need to import data that comes from different data sources, into a database like SQL Server. Usually data comes in the form of a comma delimited file aka CSV file.

Note: To handle complex scenarios and large files, use a utility like DTS/SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services). However for simpler scenarios, the approach shown in this article works fine.

These are the two easy ways to import data from a CSV file into a table of a SQL Server Database – Using Bulk Insert and Using SQL Server Management Studio.

Consider the following data


Create a file name test.csv in your system and add the data shown above in that file

Create a test table

id int,
names varchar(100),
amount decimal(12,2)

Method 1: Using Bulk Insert

bulk insert csv

Here’s the same query for you to try out

bulk insert test from 'F:\test.csv'

The above code reads data from the file located at F:\text.csv and splits data into different
columns based on the fieldterminator ‘,’ (comma) and into different rows based on the rowterminator '\n' (\n is for newline).

Now if you do a SELECT * FROM test you will get the following output


Method 2: Using SQL Server Management Studio

Right click on your database > Tasks > Import data

ssms import data

Select the datasource as Flat file. Select the file using the browse button or type the file path and name directly and click Next

ssms data source

Select row terminator as {CR}{LF} and column terminator as comma{,} and click Next

csv rowcolumn delimiter

Select Destination as your server and select the database where the table exists. Click Next

ssms destination

The wizard will import the data and show you the details about the data which was imported

import export wizard


  1. very good article on bulk insert

  2. How do i use an ip address here? like\f:\test.csv

    it is not working

  3. Govind,

    Try using this


    Also make sure the drive f is shared drive

  4. omg this works! thank you very very much

  5. You are welcome govind. Thanks for the feedback
