List Dynamic Management Views (DMV) by Category in SQL Server 2008

Dynamic management views and functions have been organized into the different categories which can be viewed over here.

If you want to list the DMV and DMF by category, then here’s a T-SQL query that will help you do so:

name as [DMV/DMF Name],
type_desc as [Type],
[DMV Category] =
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_audit%' THEN 'Auditing Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_cdc%' THEN 'Change Data Capture Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_clr%' THEN 'CLR Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_db%' THEN 'Database&Objects Related DMV and DMF'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_exec%' THEN 'Execution Related DMV and DMF'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_xe%' THEN 'Extended Events Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_fts%' THEN 'Full-Text Search Related DMV and DMF'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_filestream%' THEN 'FileStream Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_io%' THEN 'I/O Related DMV and DMF'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_sql%' THEN 'Object Ref Related DMV and DMF'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_provider%' THEN 'Provider Related DMV and DMF'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_qn%' THEN 'Query Notifications Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_repl%' THEN 'Replication Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_resource%' THEN 'Resource Governor Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_broker%' THEN 'Service Broker Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_os%' THEN 'SQL Server OS Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_server%' THEN 'Server Audit Related DMV and DMF'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_tran%' THEN 'Transactions Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_cryp%' THEN 'Security Related DMV and DMF'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_cdc%' THEN 'Change Data Capture Related DMV'
WHEN name LIKE 'dm_database%' THEN 'Transparent Data Encryption Related DMV'
ELSE 'Other DMV'
FROM sys.system_objects
WHERE name LIKE 'dm[_]%'
ORDER BY [DMV Category]

As you can see in the query, all we are doing is using a CASE statement and a LIKE operator on the ‘name’ column in the sys.system_objects catalog view and listing the DMV’s and DMF’s in categories.

OUTPUT (Partial)


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