List of SQL Server Forums to ask your Questions

Forums is a great place to hold online discussions and look out for some amazing resources and useful tips. Here are the 8 best SQL Server forums (in no particular order) for DBA’s, BI and T-SQL Developers to ask your questions. These forums are definitely a place to hang around if you are serious in making a career in SQL Server Databases.

SQL Server MSDN Forums

SQL Team Forums

StackOverflow SQLServer Forums (also search for sql-server-2005 and sql-server-2008)

SQL Server Central Forums

SQL Server Performance Forums

Bytes - SQL Server Forums

ASP Free Database Forums

Experts-Exchange MS SQL Server Zone (Paid areas)

Please note there may be many more good forums out there. The ones listed above are only the ones I know of. Feel free to suggest any other useful forums you know of, using the comments section.

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