Using CASE Expression in SQL Server to create a Computed Column

Here’s a practical example of using CASE expression in SQL Server. I am creating a computed column using CASE expression where I will automatically calculate the value of a column based on the value of other columns:

The psuedocode is as follows:

If the Quantity of items ordered is in between 10 and 20, give a 10% discount

If the Quantity of items ordered is in between 20 and 30, give a 20% discount

If the Quantity of items ordered is greater than 30, give a 40% discount

Here’s the query using a CASE expression:

DECLARE @tmp TABLE(Quantity integer,
Price decimal,
DiscountedPrice AS CAST (
Quantity BETWEEN 10 and 20 THEN Price - Price * .10
WHEN Quantity BETWEEN 20 and 30 THEN Price - Price * .20
WHEN Quantity >=31 THEN Price - Price * .40
END AS Money)

INSERT INTO @tmp values(4, 4000)
INSERT INTO @tmp values(16, 3500)
INSERT INTO @tmp values(12, 5000)
INSERT INTO @tmp values(22, 6620)
INSERT INTO @tmp values(5, 6400)
INSERT INTO @tmp values(21, 1000)
INSERT INTO @tmp values(37, 7000)



CASE Expression SQL Server

[Update] : If you want to avoid nulls, check this updated post Using CASE Expression in SQL Server to create a Computed Column – Avoiding Nulls


  1. I have to say I'd never thought to combine a CASE statement in a computed column. It's a interesting use!

    Shannon Lowder
    Database Engineer

  2. Is there a way I can avoid nulls and print 0 instead?

  3. hi.., myself is Mark Andrew, i have just started to learn .net before few times, so i am have no idea about this, but after read your post, i feel, it is really informative information. thanks
    H Miracle

  4. If the Quantity of items ordered is in between 10 and 20, give a 10% discount.

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  8. This post is certainly very helpful and presented some new ideas. Thanks for sharing.
