I am a Microsoft MVP again!

I thought of sharing an important news with all sqlservercurry.com readers. I am awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) title again and I am on Cloud 9. For those who are not aware of the MVP award, this award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. Microsoft’s appreciates your contributions in your Technical communities/Sites/Blogs during the past year and awards the best of the lot.

I have been contributing regularly to dotnetcurry , sqlservercurry, devcurry and the ASP.NET forums and am glad that my efforts were recognized.

I am so glad that two other authors of my site dotnetcurry -- Mr. Subodh Sohoni and Mr. Shoban Kumar were also awarded the prestigious MVP title.

It feels great to be recognized for your efforts and the MVP award does just the same. I want to thank a lot of people who I have worked with and have inspired me and continue to do so. Your comments and encouragement has played a very important role to keep me motivated and become eligible for this award. Thank You!

I am an MVP and I am proud of it!

1 comment:

  1. Congrates Buddy....way to go...
    Thanks -- Vj
