AutoGenerate an AlphaNumeric Sequence in SQL Server

I was recently solving a requirement of a client where the client needed a Unique Alphanumeric Sequence Number to be generated using the following business rules:

UniqueID = Code (TT) + Current Datetime + ID

Here's how I generated the UniqueID



ID  int, CircuitName varchar(10),

UniqueID  AS 'TT' + REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(),101),'/','')

+ REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar, GETDATE(),108),':',''

+ CAST(ID as varchar(10))




SELECT 1, 'Circuit 1' UNION ALL

SELECT 2, 'Circuit 2' UNION ALL

SELECT 3, 'Circuit 3' UNION ALL

SELECT 4, 'Circuit 4' UNION ALL

SELECT 5, 'Circuit 5' UNION ALL

SELECT 6, 'Circuit 6' UNION ALL

SELECT 7, 'Circuit 7' UNION ALL

SELECT 8, 'Circuit 8' UNION ALL

SELECT 9, 'Circuit 9' UNION ALL

SELECT 10, 'Circuit 10'




ID    CircuitName    UniqueID

1    Circuit 1    TT051220091517481

2    Circuit 2    TT051220091517482

3    Circuit 3    TT051220091517483

4    Circuit 4    TT051220091517484

5    Circuit 5    TT051220091517485

6    Circuit 6    TT051220091517486

7    Circuit 7    TT051220091517487

8    Circuit 8    TT051220091517488

9    Circuit 9    TT051220091517489

10    Circuit 10    TT0512200915174810


  1. excellent topic. Can I use this method to generate an id of integers but not in any sequence, just random 10 digit numbers?

  2. Tumo yes there is a way that I use using the NEWID(). Just wait for a couple of hours and I will update this post with a solution.
