Here are 3 commonly used features while designing report layout using Sql server reporting services(SSRS) in SQL Server 2005
Tip 1: Add a Page Header to the report
Open a report. Choose the Layout view.Go to Report menu > Page Header/Page Footer > Click on it.Drag a TextBox from the tools menu to the Header/Footer and set the properties on it
Tip 2: Hide a Page Header on the First and Last Page of the report
Open a report. Choose the Layout view.Click the page header. In the Properties window, set the PrintonFirstPage and PrintonLastPage property to False.
Tip 3: Add a Page Break
Open a report. Choose the Layout view.Right click an item and choose properties. On the General tab, Page breaks, select Insert a page break before the list/after the list.
any idea on how to add my erport an epilog??