How to delete records from a large table in small portions

At times, you need to delete records from a large table. Performing a delete operation on such a table can become quiet resource intensive. In order to increase performance, you can delete the rows in small portions. Let us see how using this query:

-- Create a temporary table CustomersTemp
SELECT * into Northwind.dbo.CustomersTemp from

-- Procedure to delete in small groups
CREATE PROC spoc_deleteinsmallgroups
@NoOfRowsToDelete int
DECLARE @CurrentRowCount int

-- Count the number of rows in the table
SELECT @CurrentRowCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Northwind.dbo.CustomersTemp)

-- Loop and delete records in small bits till the rowcount is 0
WHILE(@CurrentRowCount > 0)
DELETE TOP (@NoOfRowsToDelete) FROM Northwind.dbo.CustomersTemp
SELECT @CurrentRowCount = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Northwind.dbo.CustomersTemp)
Print @CurrentRowCount

-- Execute the procedure and pass the number of rows
-- to delete at a time
EXEC spoc_deleteinsmallgroups 25


  1. Huh? Is this SQL Server? You are deleting all the rows, right? Doesn't SQL server have a truncate command?

    Just drop the table and rebuild it.

  2. Hi,

    Thanks for your comment Eric. What if the user does not want to delete all the rows..just few rows that match a condition. (Eg: 50k rows in a table containing 2 lakh rows).

  3. Good work Agarwal,

    A small suggestion to it.

    Count(*) will really be time consuming if the size is too much. Instead you can use the following query to get the total row count.

    select rowcnt
    from sysindexes
    where id = object_id('customers')
    and indid = 1

  4. Thanks thedreamer,

    That's a good suggestion. I will try it out and check the difference in the time taken.

  5. Getting count for every iteration inside the While loop is a waste of resources. Just Check the @@RowCout after delete and Break out of loop. Here is a better version of it...
    While (1=1)
    Delete Top X from Table
    If @@rowcount = Break Else Continue

  6. preddy..did you try it on a larger table with more than 100000 records..I think agarwal's query performs better over tehre..

  7. pouah! try it on a table where you've got more than 190 Millions of rows ! when you knows that a simple select take 6 hours...just use the top, and then create a job

  8. the Dreamer's idea to get rowcount is cool.

    I have also mentioned the same in my blog

  9. Hi the same delete qry is giving error saying Incorrect syntax near top. Has anybody actually tried this? Top count works with delete command???

  10. Anonymous: It does work well. Please select the database as Northwind before trying it.

  11. Does this work with SQL Server 2000? I am getting the same error as the last guy.

  12. Your code snippet deletes the records from the temporary table. What is the purpose behind it?
